Major BSGoodies revision

Installing Basketfox: Read!
Call for training data: Read!
Cheer's: Read and submit!
Old polls: See older polls.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Installing Basketfox

The recent updates of Basketfox have increased its popularity and it seems that there is a considerable number of basketsim managers who are trying to use it for the first time.

In this short how-to I will explain how to install it. Before explaining how to install Basketfox for the two browsers it is available (Firefox and Chrome) let me clarify that the Operating System makes no difference. Until now Baksetfox works on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Option 1: Installing Basketfox on Firefox

Installing Basketfox on Firefox is actually straight-forward.
Step 1: Navigate to the download repository:
Step 2: Click on the green arrow next to BSGoodies Basketfox for Firefox x.xx.xx with the latest version number (please make sure you download a *.xpi file).
Step 3: Choose open with Firefox and press OK.
Comment: If you choose to download the *.xpi on your computer then after running Firefox you have to press Ctrl-O and locate the downloaded file.

Step 4: In the next dialogue select "Install now".
Step 5: Once the installation is completed restart Firefox as prompted.

Option 2: Installing Basketfox for Chrome

Installing Basketfox for Chrome is somewhat more complicated.
Step 1: Navigate to the download repository:
Step 2: Click on the green arrow next to BSGoodies Basketfox for Chrome x.xx.xx with the latest version number (please make sure you download a *.crx file). After the file finishes downloading because Chrome does not allow you to install directly you will see the message "Apps, extensions, and user scripts cannot be added from this website". Press "OK".
Step 2b: If Step 2 did not work, please right click and the green arrow and select "Save link as...". Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Open the "Extensions" page on Chrome as shown below.
Step 4: Drag and drop the *.crx file in the extension page.
Step 5: Press "Add" and you are done!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Call for youth coach training data

Dear BS managers,

When we are buying a coach to train youth we want to know how many weeks he is able to train our youths! The knowledge up to now is not entirely clear as according to this wiki entry what we know is the following:
Coach ExperienceMax Focus Time
above average (6)5-6 weeks
good (7)6 weeks
very good (8)6-7 weeks
great (9)7-8 weeks
extremely great (10)8-9 weeks
fantastic (11) or more9 weeks

Is it possible to clear this blur and know whether it is 5 or 6, 6 or 7 and so on. Is the number of max weeks a function of experience or of experience and WWY. Let's find out by submitting our REAL youth training coach data. Navigate to your training page and click on the link. Do not forget to submit the max number of training weeks (as you can see them when you set the training to your youths).

Friday, September 14, 2012 is back!

After a long wait is back!!
BSGoodies welcomes the game once again and hopes that every basketsim fan will be back on the game!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Basketsim outage

Dear managers, has been off-line since Wednesday. The information up to know is that adiego is trying his best to solve the problem but the host (nexpoint web hosting) is down and their support is not very responsive. There is discussion going on in the basketsim facebook page as well:

Hopefully the problem will be resolved and everything will get back to normal. If there are any important news I will report them in the blog as well.

25/8/2012 14:40 CET Update: There is no significant progress. According to adiego he was promised by the web hosting company that the problem will be resolved in 24 hours (starting from Saturday 01:48) which means that we have to way until Sunday 26/8 morning. But I don't want to get your hopes up because the particular web hosting company had a lot of problems and all of its customers suffer a similar problem so solving everything in 24 hours is optimistic. (But of course we definitely hope to happen..!)

3/9/2012 17:56 CET Update: As of today there has been no substantial progress.

9/9/2012 17:55 CET Breaking (Good) NewsCopying from the facebook group:
The latest news from Adiego:
- backups of the http and small db tables were completed
- the big tables are waiting, but that cannot be done without superuser priviledges, so waiting for nexpoint response and hoping for that one last help
- also, i'm ordering a new server right now, all potential providers were examined into extreme details (reviews, uptime, performance, quality etc) and finally i was able to make a pick and i'm sure it's a great one!
- as soon as I get my SU priviledges back, I will complete the backups, move the site and then get it online on new server
- new sever should be extra fast, so there will be at least something positive coming from this situation :)
- all data should remain intact, only the match reports (texts only) will be missing for all past matches

I'm hoping for some development today already, when I receive new server, I'll start uploading data there (everything that is already backuped)

11/9/2012 19:12 CET Breaking (Good) News: It seems that the patience starts paying off. The domain is now under adiego's administration and soon we will see something on the page according to the facebook group.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Installing basketfox in Chrome v21

Dear friends,

One recent change in how Chrome extensions work makes us change how we install the add-on.

Starting from Chrom v21, in order to install the add-on (in fact any add-on) from the *.crx file you have to drag and drop the file in the extensions page (see an example).

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Updated Financial Tool

Financial Tool is now updated to be integrated with financial pages from the game.
If you are in your team finances you can find a link back to the Financial Tool which copies the team's information.

Once the data is copied you need to verify the values. 
You should pay attention to the following boxes:
  • New weekly fans (how many new fans come or leave every week)
  • 50.000 and 25.000 youth (which ranges of weeks you pull a youth)
  • College (whether you do a college investment and how big)
  • Cup matches (how many cup matches and how far your team may go)
  • League level (what is the league level of your team)
  • Estimated position (what is the estimated position in the league)

Clarification for the cup matches: 
  • If you play in a country with 5 levels then you participate in 10 weeks cup.
  • If you play in a country with 4 levels then you participate in 9 weeks cup.
  • If you play in a country with 3 levels then you participate in 8 weeks cup.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A few words about Basketfox 1.20.9

Recently, I updated Basketfox to version 1.20.9 with some interesting changes.The update log can be found here: and the download (for those who don't update automatically) can be done from here

One thing that was bothering me lately was to know how many weeks each youth team member has without having to sit down and calculate with my head. Once I built the season calendar (notice the S16, W7 by your team's name on the top left corner?) it was easy to calculate the maximum remaining weeks so if you go to the page of a player from your youth team you will see in orange his remaining training weeks.

Another important feature is the prompt to submit your training data! I know that it looks a bit funny but your data are more than needed to have a clear image about how fast our players train. The plan is to gather enough data so the inaccuracy of WR does not affect us any more (remember? we used to have exact WR with the previous forumla!). Up to now, only in a few days of operation I have gathered more than 300 players data but we need more data! That's why the submit button is located in a way that with two clicks you can submit your data and help BSGoodies. With future updates I will keep you posted about these results. Let me remind you that this is a continuation of this effort a while back: Back then it was really difficult to gather data and in fact only a handful of managers copied-pasted all their team's data, which lead me to think how I can help this process. So, that's why I came up with an easier way to submit your data through the "Submit" button! Let me finish this paragraph with a big Thanks! to all managers who support my effort!

I would like to finish this post by mentioning the last cool new feature of BF 1.20.9 which is the maximum differences in a match report. If you see the entire report of any match you will notice a new box on the right hand-side entitled "Max differences". There you can see the maximum difference each team managed during the game (and if there several times that a team had the max difference, you see the most recent).

Enjoy BasketFox and, again, a big Thanks! for your support!

Friday, June 29, 2012

New call for training data

With the last versions of Basketfox (from 1.20.6 and on) we enable the managers to easily submit their data to our database regarding our effort to finalize the corresponding between age, WR and training speed.

With the new version of Basketfox (soon to be available: 1.20.7) the users will be prompted to submit their coach training contribution. This step is crucial since the coaches give a maximum +0.5 in training and we have to subtract the exact number before we do any more calculations.

The plan is to have enough data for all ages and WR ranges and come up with a clear mapping between the pair of WR, age and the training speed. Having that calculated we will be able to predict future training speed for a player, thus allowing for an elaborate estimation of his skill in the future assuming training intensities and weekly appearances.

I would like to ask for your understanding as with the new version of BasketFox you will be prompted again to submit your players and your coaches (in order to match them).


Monday, June 4, 2012

Countries in Basketsim

Teams per country in Basketsim as of June 2012.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Season Update before Season 16

It's time for the basketsim season update!

If you visit our website spend some time to read about the features of basketfox in my posts:

See here for the most recent updates, and here and here for earlier updates.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Call for newEV data

Dear all,

the new EV is here, so is the question of what is the new formula between the newEV, age, predicted wage and working rate.
In order to calculate it please submit these data in the form below.

the BSGoodies team.

Update: This call is closed.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Call for training data

Dear managers,

The previous call for data resulted in several interesting data points which will be summarized soon in a separate post. As you can see from the older we are in the position to have a relatively clear idea about the training speed for a given age and WR but we do not have yet a closed formula.

We need more data (and believe me I am doing my best with my team since each year we have new data - ages are increased by 1) to have better results, so I prepared an easier way to give me your data.

In the excelsheet that you can find here (in xlsx format) (press here for the xls format and here for the ods format) you see a table with 10 rows and several columns. I am asking - whoever is interested and willing - to provide his training data as follows:

  • Make sure you are a supporter
  • Make sure you trained 40h 
  • Edit the green cells:
    • TEAM: please fill in your manager name (in order to be able to ask you if there is an error for example).
    • Player: if you want write the player's name (optional)
    • 40h: please  fill in  your training speed as you see in the players page. (if it is positive omit the "+" and use dot as the decimal symbol).
    • EV: please  fill in the EV of the player (omitting the dots).
    • PW: please fill in the predicted wage  (omitting the dots).
    • Csenior: please fill in the coach's ability to train senior players.
When you are done please submit your excel.

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