Major BSGoodies revision

Installing Basketfox: Read!
Call for training data: Read!
Cheer's: Read and submit!
Old polls: See older polls.

Monday, March 9, 2015

New Admin - New Era!

Dear Basketsim community,

With great happiness I welcomed the great news that Basketsim is yet again alive. One of the pretty important points now is to make Basketfox fully working again as well.

Since a few years ago I do not have the time to work on the Basketsim projects, I would however, be interested to spend some time with someone in order to keep the project alive :) and create a version that would be easier to be used.

I will first try to clean up a bit the code and add some comments, and also deal with the interruption of the game in order to calculate correctly which season/week we are in. Once this is done we will have a timeline about publishing the tool as a google play add-on.

If people are interested to set-up a repository and work collaboratively on fixing the code and maintaining the add-on please contact me.

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