Major BSGoodies revision

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Major revision in Cheerleaders Investment Formula

BSGoodies announce a brand new formula, a result which exists only because more than 150 basketsim managers shared their data with us. After careful analysis, cleaning and processing of the data we concluded that the new BSGoodies Cheerleaders Weekly Investment formula is:

Investment = 1100 + 1.25 * ArenaSize

For people who are curious, and want to see some math, more details about the formula and the analysis can be found in this document.

More data is always welcome. Your participation in this form will help augment the quality of this result.

Edit: From the feedback we are getting it seems that the old formula is a better approximation for "small" arenas (up to ~26000). Apparently, the new formula overestimates the desirable amount of investment for "small" arenas.
So we decided to post both formulae in the tool, along with this information, and leave the more arbitrary element of compromise between the two to the users.

Is there a way to fix this? Can we have one formula that we believe in for "all" arenas? YES: If you have a blossoming cheerleader squad, especially one ranked high in your country, please send us data using this form. [We need more high-ranked datapoints from the "small" arenas in particular -- but all data is welcome and useful].

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work, this blog has helped me a lot in basketsim.
Keep up the goodness !

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