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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Re-evaluating Cheerleaders tool

Dear Basketsim Managers,

I am trying to evaluate the accuracy of the tool proposing Cheerleaders contribution. To that end I want to gather as much information as possible from managers who have blossoming cheerleaders. In order to have meaningful results it is important that all data used come from managers who:
  • Have blossoming cheerleaders (imperative!!)
  • Have the same arena size for the current season
  • If possible have the same investment per week for the current season
I am asking to give the data with your username but if somebody wants his/her anonymity of course this will be respected. When I have an important number of data I will start making public the results (and update them as more data come).

All managers who are interested in contributing, please write directly your data in form you can find in this link (if you have any questions send me a private me: Athens Kokoi home page). The data needed are the following:
  • Manager username (the only reason I ask for it is in order to verify that each data point is unique it will be kept privately)
  • Arena Size
  • Current Investment
  • Total Investment
  • A verification that you have Blossoming (it is just a reminder!)
  • Cheerleader squad position and country
When enough data are gathered, firstly I will publish the statistics and I can provide my assessment for all managers that need some tweak to their weekly contribution!


Amurpo said...


Dropas said...

I sent all the data you want! Hope I helped a little:)) Great job dear manathan!! congratulations for all your try! This site is very useful for everybody:)

Good luck!!

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