Major BSGoodies revision

Installing Basketfox: Read!
Call for training data: Read!
Cheer's: Read and submit!
Old polls: See older polls.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

BS goodies present the new, integrated "Arena Tool"

The new integrated "Arena Tool" was completed yesterday. With this tool a BS manager can make a lot of computations! In this post the functionality of "Arena Tool" will be explained.

The BS manager fills in the information of his current arena, as well as, the desired number of new arena size or the available budget.

By pressing the "Size" button, a new arena is calculated according to the "perfect" seat ratio. If the current arena setup has very bad seat ratio, then, it is possible that the proposed arena setup will have some irregularities, that is, it can propose more seats than the desired seats number.

By pressing the "Budget" button, a new arena is calculated according to the "perfect" seat ratio, but always the budget is not exceeded. If the current arena setup has very bad seat ratio, then, it is possible that the proposed arena setup will have some irregularities, that is, the ratio may not be exactly the "perfect" seat ratio.

By pressing the "Tick's" button, a new arena is calculated according to the "perfect" seat ratio. This arena has the desired revenue (in case it is full). If the current arena setup has very bad seat ratio, then, it is possible that the proposed arena setup will have some irregularities, that is, the ratio may not be exactly the "perfect" seat ratio.

By pressing the "Fanclub" button, a new arena is calculated according to the "perfect" seat ratio. This arena is designed according to a given Fanclub, in a way that the arena will be full of fans. If the current arena setup has very bad seat ratio, then, it is possible that the proposed arena setup will have some irregularities, that is, the ratio may not be exactly the "perfect" seat ratio.

If the BS manager selects the add/sub choice, then there is a possibility that the tool may propose to destroy a few seats in order to create a perfectly balanced arena. If not (and the add only choice is selcted) then it is possible to have seat ratio irrgularities.

By pressing the "Copy" button, the proposed seat setup is copied into the current seat setup textboxes, for further calulations.

When a new arena is proposed, along with the new seats, the total seats and the costs, the following arena-dependent calculations are made:
  1. The minimum size of funclub needed to fill this arena, which is [arena size]/17 and is true only when cheerleders are blossoming and the team has a few entertaining players.
  2. The weekly compenasation for cheerleaders in order to be blosslomg.
  3. The maximum tickets income, which happens only if arena is full, which can be done according to the two previous calculations.
  4. The home games needed in order to get all the new-arena-investment-money returned from tickets.
  5. The duarion of the contstruction in days.
Finally, in the textarea a BS manager can see explanation about the proposed arena and costs.

* This tool is inspired by bs-helpdesk and and it, also, introduces new features!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

BS goodies present the new "Coach & Training Tool"

The first part of the Tool is the same Coach Tool that was described previously. The only difference is that when the button "Coach Tool" is pressed the "Coach TB" of the Training Tool is also gettting the coach training bonus as value.

This value will be used in order to compuer the weekly Training increase of the player. The provided web interface implements both the fast and the slow (and exact way). In other words, a user can fill just the "Age" and the "Workrate" and get the training speed of a player (the coach training bonus is used automatically from the textbox "Coach TB", nevertheless the user may change the value in that box"). Alternatively, if a user chooses to fill in "Age", "Pr. Wage", "EV" then the "Workrate" is computed more accurately and the computed Workrate is used in order to provide more accurate results.


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Tactics Tiredness

When a player is starter in a game, he gets tired. His tiredness depends on the tactics that the team has chosen. To be exact the tiredness is a sum of three parts of tiredness:

trd = c + dt + ot

where trd: tiredness, c: constant, dt: defense tiredness, ot: offense tiredness.

c is always equal to 5%, where dt and ot depends on the tactics chosen, as follows:

Defense: dt

Offense: ot
normal 0%
normal 0%
sprint back on defense 2%
read the defense 2%
contest every shot 1%
fast early breaks 1%
block out and rebound 2%
distance shooting 1%
protect power zone 1%
try to penetrate 2%
wear out opponents 1%
crash the boards 2%

Tactics tiredness can be summarized in the following table:

ND 5% 7% 6% 6% 7% 7%
SPOD 7% 9% 8% 8% 9% 9%
CES 6% 8% 7% 7% 8% 8%
BOAR 7% 9% 8% 8% 9% 9%
PPZ 6% 8% 7% 7% 8% 8%
WOΤO 6% 8% 7% 7% 8% 8%

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The tiredness tool

After a few days of research and development (ok simple development!!!), I announce the new Tiredness Tool (TT). This tool aims to help the BS manager to compute fast and accurately the tiredness of his players.

Firstly, you choose the current tiredness, the starting day (which is assumed to be before any events on this day) and the finishing day. Moreover you choose the intensity of training, the kind of physical training, the level of medical center and the tactics of any game the player may play in this period. The current version of TT, supports a period of up to two weeks and in the Info about games section, firstly you select if your games are played during Saturday and Tuesday or Sunday and Wednesday. Moreover, you select the corresponding tactics of the game during which the current player was starter. If the player was not a starter in the game you leave the option "--" in order to signify that the player did not participate in that game!

Feel free to ask me any questions!

Edit: Adding a table showing physical training tiredness and weight impact

Training Weight Tired
Jogging Agility -0.2 +1%
Jogging Power -0.3 +1%
ShortSp Agility -0.3 +1%
ShortSp Power -0.5 +2%
Pushup Agility +0.2 +1%
Pushup Power +0.4 +1%
Weight Lifting Agility +0.2 +1%
Weight Liftin Power +0.5 +2%

Friday, June 20, 2008

The agent tool

The agent tool is just finished. This tool is needed in order to find out how much money the agents take from us when we sell a player in less than 61 days. There have been implemented two ways of using it.

If you leave the dates as they are (with "--") and you fill in the prices and the days between the trasnfers yourself then the net income and the agent fees are computed based on the days you provided. If you set specific dates then any value in the "days between" box is dicarded and the difference in days betweeb transfers is calculated based on the dates. You can leave blank the year for both dates if the transfers occured in the sane year.

The calculation is done as follows:

If the difference in days between transfers is 1 to 61 days then:
The agents take: (salePrice-purchasePrice)*(61-diffDays)/60
You take: the rest (!)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The coach tool

The coach tool computes the contribution of a coach in two areas:
  • Training
  • Freethrows
Moreover it computes how fast does the motivation drop in the end of the current season.

When a team has no coach, the training that every player get depends only on his skills/age, but when a coach is hired the training bonus he offers is added to every player Training rise. This number is sublevels of a skill. Each level of skill has 8 sublevels and the maximum coach training bonus is 0.5 sublevels which is 1/16 of a level.

Freethorows bonus is the increase of Freethrows skill for every player on court during the fourth period of a game.

The motivation of a coach drops at the end of every season by 4% to 8%. The exact number depends on his age and character.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The curve of financial support by sponsors

I haven't seen any team with more than 2000 fans, so I ended the curve at this number! If someone has seen any bigger fan number please let me know!

The forumla to compute the sponsor support is
S = 7000 * sqrt(f)
S: Sponsor support
sqrt: square root
f: total number of fans

Basketsim Goodies

Dear Basketsim friends,

In this blog I intent to post basketsim goodies gathered from all around the basketsim community (global and national forums). Every help, is more than welcome!

Hopefully, this blog will be helpfull for every "player" of Basketsim: experienced and new managers!
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