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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The tiredness tool

After a few days of research and development (ok simple development!!!), I announce the new Tiredness Tool (TT). This tool aims to help the BS manager to compute fast and accurately the tiredness of his players.

Firstly, you choose the current tiredness, the starting day (which is assumed to be before any events on this day) and the finishing day. Moreover you choose the intensity of training, the kind of physical training, the level of medical center and the tactics of any game the player may play in this period. The current version of TT, supports a period of up to two weeks and in the Info about games section, firstly you select if your games are played during Saturday and Tuesday or Sunday and Wednesday. Moreover, you select the corresponding tactics of the game during which the current player was starter. If the player was not a starter in the game you leave the option "--" in order to signify that the player did not participate in that game!

Feel free to ask me any questions!

Edit: Adding a table showing physical training tiredness and weight impact

Training Weight Tired
Jogging Agility -0.2 +1%
Jogging Power -0.3 +1%
ShortSp Agility -0.3 +1%
ShortSp Power -0.5 +2%
Pushup Agility +0.2 +1%
Pushup Power +0.4 +1%
Weight Lifting Agility +0.2 +1%
Weight Liftin Power +0.5 +2%


irata said...

Very nice implementation - and very useful! Well done manathan!!!

Diego said...

-0.5 is wrong, -0.4 it's the maximun lose

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