Major BSGoodies revision

Installing Basketfox: Read!
Call for training data: Read!
Cheer's: Read and submit!
Old polls: See older polls.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Basketfox enhanced by BSGoodies

Download page for Basketfox for Firefox and Chrome  

Submit bug reports

Dear friends,

I have been thinking of a more complete basketfox for a long time now.
We present Basketfox enhanced by BSGoodies with the following amazing new features:

1) Presentation of player in the (single) player page:
-- Skill per position
-- BMI (next to weight)
-- Numerical values of each skill
-- Numerical values of XP and WR
-- Exact decimal value of WR when predicted wage is shown
-- If it is a youth player the available values are used and in parenthesis the number of skills used are shown ("?" is used when skill is not known)
2) Presentation of youth teams
3) Basketfox will work until Firefox 10.9

BSGoodies team.

Edit: And there are more good news!! Basketfox is ported to Chrome as well!

Edit: Submit feedback if you face a problem.

Edit: Links updated to solve the rebounding problem (now rebounds are counted in youth team page) (versions 0.6.4 and 1.5 respectively)

Edit: Links updated to support any language. (versions 0.6.5 and 1.6 respectively)

Edit: NEW amazing update! Using current wage as an estimation for predicted wage you can see an estimation of WR for players that are not yours! (versions 0.6.6 and 1.7 respectively) (kudos to wizinjsh for his proposal)

Edit: For details about Basketfox for Chrome 1.11.2 and Basketfox for Firefox 1.1.1 see my new post!

Edit: For details about Basketfox for Chrome 1.12.9 and Basketfox for Firefox 1.1.7 see my new post!

Edit: For details about Basketfox for Chrome 1.15.0 and Basketfox for Firefox 1.3.0 (and later versions) see my new post!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

New Tool: Financial Tool

While still in beta BSGoodies made this tool available to help managers organize in season 14.

This tool works as follows:
A manager gives:
-- current financial situation
-- current number of fans
-- average weekly fan increase
-- number of weeks to give 50.000 for youth (first weeks like that)
-- number of weeks to give 25.000 for youth (if any, after the above weeks)
-- amount of money that cheerleaders get
-- amount of money planned to be invested by the end of the year to college (if any)
-- expected cup matches (after cup matches friendly matches are assumed, also used to calculate cup rewards if any)
-- arena size which will be full during league match and half during cup matches (obviously this is just an estimation)
-- tickets during friendly matches
-- league level and estimated final position (to calculate rewards)

Please insert only digits in the textboxes: no dots and no euro symbols.

Enjoy the tool here

More details soon!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Help us make BSGoodies better!

Dear managers,

Do you believe that something is missing from BSGoodies? Did you find something that may be wrong in BSGoodies tools?

Give your ideas for new tools.

Give your feedback for existing tools.

Give your data for Cheerleaders below:

Help BSGoodies to keep helping the BS community!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Major revision in Cheerleaders Investment Formula

BSGoodies announce a brand new formula, a result which exists only because more than 150 basketsim managers shared their data with us. After careful analysis, cleaning and processing of the data we concluded that the new BSGoodies Cheerleaders Weekly Investment formula is:

Investment = 1100 + 1.25 * ArenaSize

For people who are curious, and want to see some math, more details about the formula and the analysis can be found in this document.

More data is always welcome. Your participation in this form will help augment the quality of this result.

Edit: From the feedback we are getting it seems that the old formula is a better approximation for "small" arenas (up to ~26000). Apparently, the new formula overestimates the desirable amount of investment for "small" arenas.
So we decided to post both formulae in the tool, along with this information, and leave the more arbitrary element of compromise between the two to the users.

Is there a way to fix this? Can we have one formula that we believe in for "all" arenas? YES: If you have a blossoming cheerleader squad, especially one ranked high in your country, please send us data using this form. [We need more high-ranked datapoints from the "small" arenas in particular -- but all data is welcome and useful].

Saturday, August 6, 2011

New update for Tiredness Tool

Today BSGoodies announce a major update for BSGoodies Tiredness Tool incorporating all recent changes.

The impact of tactics and the night rest have been changed and the change is reflected on BS Goodies Tiredness Tool following adiego's statement and the comprehensive wiki entry at BSwiki.

So, when a player is starter in a game, he gets tired. His tiredness depends on the tactics that the team has chosen. To be exact the tiredness is a sum of three parts of tiredness:

trd = c + dt + ot

where trd: tiredness, c: constant, dt: defense tiredness, ot: offense tiredness.

c is always equal to 4%, where dt and ot depends on the tactics chosen, as follows:

Defense: dt

Offense: ot
sprint back on defense1%
read the defense2%
contest every shot1%
fast early breaks1%
block out and rebound2%
distance shooting1%
protect power zone1%
try to penetrate1%
wear out opponents1%
crash the boards1%
half court trap1%
inside shooting1%

Tactics tiredness can be summarized in the following table:
ND 8% 8% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7%
SBOD 7% 7% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6%
CES 7% 7% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6%
BOAR 8% 8% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7%
PPZ 7% 7% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6%
WOO 7% 7% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6%
HCT 7% 7% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6%

The tiredness is also affected from training, physical training, medical center and everyday rest as follows:
Training (weekly tiredness, every Thursday):

Level Tired%
Leisure (15h) -5%
Normal (25h) 0%
Intense (30h) 6%
Immense (40h) 12%
Physical Training (weekly tiredness, every Monday) (bsWiki relevant page):

Type Weight Tired%
Jogging+Agility -0.2 1%
Jogging+Power -0.3 1%
ShortSprints+Agility -0.3 1%
ShortSprints+Power -0.4 1%
Pushups+Agility 0.2 1%
Pushups+Power 0.4 1%
WeightLifting+Agility 0.2 1%
WeightLifting+Power 0.5 2%
Medical Center (weekly rest, every Friday) (bsWiki relevant page):

Level Tired%
non-existant 0%
broken bones -1%
cry babies -2%
brave fighters -3%
tough guys -4%
unbreakable -5%
Everyday rest (bsWiki relevant page):

-3% every Sunday to Monday
-3% every Monday to Tuesday
-3% every Wednesday to Thursday
-3% every Thursday to Friday
-3% every Friday to Saturday

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