Major BSGoodies revision

Installing Basketfox: Read!
Call for training data: Read!
Cheer's: Read and submit!
Old polls: See older polls.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Installing Basketfox

The recent updates of Basketfox have increased its popularity and it seems that there is a considerable number of basketsim managers who are trying to use it for the first time.

In this short how-to I will explain how to install it. Before explaining how to install Basketfox for the two browsers it is available (Firefox and Chrome) let me clarify that the Operating System makes no difference. Until now Baksetfox works on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Option 1: Installing Basketfox on Firefox

Installing Basketfox on Firefox is actually straight-forward.
Step 1: Navigate to the download repository:
Step 2: Click on the green arrow next to BSGoodies Basketfox for Firefox x.xx.xx with the latest version number (please make sure you download a *.xpi file).
Step 3: Choose open with Firefox and press OK.
Comment: If you choose to download the *.xpi on your computer then after running Firefox you have to press Ctrl-O and locate the downloaded file.

Step 4: In the next dialogue select "Install now".
Step 5: Once the installation is completed restart Firefox as prompted.

Option 2: Installing Basketfox for Chrome

Installing Basketfox for Chrome is somewhat more complicated.
Step 1: Navigate to the download repository:
Step 2: Click on the green arrow next to BSGoodies Basketfox for Chrome x.xx.xx with the latest version number (please make sure you download a *.crx file). After the file finishes downloading because Chrome does not allow you to install directly you will see the message "Apps, extensions, and user scripts cannot be added from this website". Press "OK".
Step 2b: If Step 2 did not work, please right click and the green arrow and select "Save link as...". Then proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Open the "Extensions" page on Chrome as shown below.
Step 4: Drag and drop the *.crx file in the extension page.
Step 5: Press "Add" and you are done!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Call for youth coach training data

Dear BS managers,

When we are buying a coach to train youth we want to know how many weeks he is able to train our youths! The knowledge up to now is not entirely clear as according to this wiki entry what we know is the following:
Coach ExperienceMax Focus Time
above average (6)5-6 weeks
good (7)6 weeks
very good (8)6-7 weeks
great (9)7-8 weeks
extremely great (10)8-9 weeks
fantastic (11) or more9 weeks

Is it possible to clear this blur and know whether it is 5 or 6, 6 or 7 and so on. Is the number of max weeks a function of experience or of experience and WWY. Let's find out by submitting our REAL youth training coach data. Navigate to your training page and click on the link. Do not forget to submit the max number of training weeks (as you can see them when you set the training to your youths).
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