Major BSGoodies revision

Installing Basketfox: Read!
Call for training data: Read!
Cheer's: Read and submit!
Old polls: See older polls.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Possible features for new Basketfox

Dear BS managers,

I have been thinking of a new version of Basketfox and I came up with many different features that seem to be very interesting. Unfortunately, I have to prioritize and implement only some of them in order to have it some time soon.

So, I created a poll that you can find in the top of the page that you can select the feature you find the most important. I will try to implement as many features as possible but I will implement first the features that seem to be the most relevant.

The options up to now are:

  1. When in the match report page I can try to calculate some statistics like how many extra free throws were made and how many missed (it was discussed in some forums and its actually fun to have this number). It may be possible to calculate other stats as well so if you have an idea (and an idea how to do it!!) please submit your proposal in this form.
  2. When in the training report page I can present the exact sublevel for each player.
  3. When in the players page I can use the "Training" information to calculate how many weeks are needed to pop a skill (this cannot take into account the sublevel so it will assume that sublevel is 0).
  4. When in the training page or the coach market page I can present the coach's info (workrate, xp, wr with youths) with a numerical number in parenthesis which is currently missing.
  5. In the players page I can enhance on the right hand-side the table with the team averages. I was thinking of presenting the averages of the (i) first 5 players, (ii) second 5 players, (iii) all players for several attributes like: (a) total skill, (b) wage, (c) exp, (d) age
  6. In the arena page I can add the BSGoodies proposal for cheerleaders investment.
Options 2 and 3 can be used only by supporters. If you have another idea please submit it in this form.
Please vote in the poll in the top. Which extensions do you find more relevant. If you have other ideas as well please use the forms and submit them!

BSGoodies Team

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Call for training data

Dear basketsim managers,

Here at BSGoodies we have been trying to verify and re-engineer the training formula based on age and real WR. We have already collected some data but now we really need the help of basketsim community. Every supporter has every week the detailed information about the training of his players. We would like to collect as much data as possible including:

  • Training speed (e.g. +1.14)
  • Training intensity (e.g. 40h)
  • Player's EV 
  • Player's age 
  • Player's predicted wage
  • Coach ability to train senior players (1-100)
  • Coach WR (1-15)
  • Coach motivation (1-100)

This information per player will help us understand how the training speed varies according to age and WR. We have some preliminary results (see image below) and we wait for you help to have a more conclusive analysis. Please provide your data!

Using your data we can complete the image and be able to calculate the training speed for a variety of ages and WR. This will help us to build a tool which will calculate with absolute accuracy the future skill of your player if you train him for 2,3 or 4 years. As you can see it is really useful!

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