Dear Basketsim Managers,
First of all, I would like to thank all of you for your participation in this effort!!
After the 1st week of the re-evaluation of cheerleaders formula we have received a lot of interesting data and we have some first conclusions. We need however much more data. So, I would like to extend the invitation to add your data once again during this week.
In order to do that just fill in your data in this form.
Status: Unique verified entries: 35
In the image you can see all the data point corresponding to blossoming cheerleaders. I tried to verify that all data comes from existing users and that the data is real.
In order to come up with conclusive results we need much more data. Moreover, the majority of the data is concentrated between 25000 and 35000 so it is still difficult to evaluate the formula for arena sizes outside this interval.
So, please add your data in the form. We need more data for any available size!