Major BSGoodies revision

Installing Basketfox: Read!
Call for training data: Read!
Cheer's: Read and submit!
Old polls: See older polls.

Friday, June 20, 2008

The agent tool

The agent tool is just finished. This tool is needed in order to find out how much money the agents take from us when we sell a player in less than 61 days. There have been implemented two ways of using it.

If you leave the dates as they are (with "--") and you fill in the prices and the days between the trasnfers yourself then the net income and the agent fees are computed based on the days you provided. If you set specific dates then any value in the "days between" box is dicarded and the difference in days betweeb transfers is calculated based on the dates. You can leave blank the year for both dates if the transfers occured in the sane year.

The calculation is done as follows:

If the difference in days between transfers is 1 to 61 days then:
The agents take: (salePrice-purchasePrice)*(61-diffDays)/60
You take: the rest (!)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The coach tool

The coach tool computes the contribution of a coach in two areas:
  • Training
  • Freethrows
Moreover it computes how fast does the motivation drop in the end of the current season.

When a team has no coach, the training that every player get depends only on his skills/age, but when a coach is hired the training bonus he offers is added to every player Training rise. This number is sublevels of a skill. Each level of skill has 8 sublevels and the maximum coach training bonus is 0.5 sublevels which is 1/16 of a level.

Freethorows bonus is the increase of Freethrows skill for every player on court during the fourth period of a game.

The motivation of a coach drops at the end of every season by 4% to 8%. The exact number depends on his age and character.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The curve of financial support by sponsors

I haven't seen any team with more than 2000 fans, so I ended the curve at this number! If someone has seen any bigger fan number please let me know!

The forumla to compute the sponsor support is
S = 7000 * sqrt(f)
S: Sponsor support
sqrt: square root
f: total number of fans

Basketsim Goodies

Dear Basketsim friends,

In this blog I intent to post basketsim goodies gathered from all around the basketsim community (global and national forums). Every help, is more than welcome!

Hopefully, this blog will be helpfull for every "player" of Basketsim: experienced and new managers!
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